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During the week before Easter I hosted an egg decorating workshop in a cafe in Liverpool's Baltic Triangle. There the public were invited to decorated an egg in any way they fancied and they were strung up and hung on a tree next to the main road. 


To mark annual International Peace Day I hosted another workshop in the same cafe as the Egg workshop (see above) where the public were invited to fold their own peace crane and write a message of hope or peace on it. After the week of making, all the cranes were suspended from the ceiling of the cafe and remained there for the month.


Working alongside All Saints Liverpool Parish for their week of Summer outdoor stay and play I created a mosaic workshop for under 12's. The children were invited to decorated 4 boards, each illustrating a positive characteristic of their local area. The aim was to expose the young people to creativity by working with their hands and to enthuse them about their local community. The mosaics were eventually displayed on the church building.

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